Wow! I did not realize until just now that it has been well over a month since my last post! Hello summer life! We have been preparing for PreK graduation at work and I guess time must have gotten away from me. Well, all the prep was worth it; graduation was precious and our sweet babies did so great! Now that it is behind us, we are in daycare mode, which means FUN MODE! We love summer!
A couple of week after our Kilby 5K (talked about in my last post), Trish, Kayla, and I ran in the local Swampers 5K. This race was a little bit bigger with over 500 entrants. We had a BLAST! We were so afraid the rain was going to catch us, but it held off. Most races we try to stick closely together (after all, we run for fun!). But this race was different. We started together, but we were all separated early on to get our own times and pace. I just did my thing. Ran like it was just me. I was expecting to beat my Kilby time by maybe a minute or so, but I was WRONG!

I ran my first personal best!
Kilby 5K: 42:45
SWAMPERS 5K: 37:56!
I look over 4 minutes off my time!
I was ecstatic!
(Left to Right: Kayla, Trish, Me)
We each were able to take some time off of our best and we had a great time!
Following the Swampers 5K, we signed up to run the Wise We Can 5K benefiting Relay for Life. I was super excited, but the day before race day, I started getting sick. Battled sinuses and strep all weekend, so no running for this girl. But I have some great friends who were able to run and these lovely ladies picked up my race-day packet for me! :)
Currently, I’m just trying to get back in the habit of running on a regular basis since I have been slacking the past couple of weeks, so I’ll be looking to signup for another local 5K sometime soon I hope. I have some major motivation though. The ladies I have been running with and I have started a work challenge that involves us and a few other ladies from work. Each contestant put in $20, and we have set up our own Biggest Loser type contest called our Summer Slim Down and Shape Up Challenge. By completing different things each day, we can earn points, and we also keep up with our weight/loss on a weekly basis. The money will be split between the person with the most Fit Points and the person with the highest percentage of weight loss. However, if one person earns both, that person get the whole pot! :) I have a cruise to work for in September, and I’m aiming for the whole pot!!! I’ll keep you posted. Tomorrow marks the end of the first week and I’ll post my results to keep everyone up to date! Can’t wait to see how everyone did!!