
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Good Morning, Sunday

I am thrilled to say that my feel are minimally sore this morning from my run yesterday morning. My body, however, is another story. It’s crazy how sore you can get from running when you haven’t been able to do it in a while. So a bit of stretching and moving around was at the top of my list this morning. After talking my dog outside, I realized it is a BEAUTIFUL crisp morning here in Alabama. So my husband and I decided to walk and map a new route from our house this morning. We live in a small town so this was very easy to do. Out the door and go! Not too many dogs. Most were on chains/fenced in. The only loose ones were three in a yard at around mile one. They were very loud, but on our return trip, their bark proved worse then their bite. Or lack of bit should I say. Just a lot of barking and sniffing and licking. Good thing we are dog people!

It was so nice to get out somewhere that was different than my usual tracks.
Plus, our 3 mile walk gave us some alone time.
No phones, no tv, no distractions.
Just us, the fresh air, and the road!


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