Happy Wednesday, bloggers!
Today was going to be my great C25K Week 4 Day 2 run. Monday evening I killed it, ran it all (slowly, but all of it). Today, I get on the treadmill, and was EXHAUSTED a minute and a half into the first 3 minute run. Talk about let down. My shins were even hurting I have been running for over a month now and haven't had the first problem with my shins until today. After having to stop twice to walk, I finally let go of the C25K set and just pushed myself to walk/run a mile and a half. Not my greatest, but I did push myself further than I thought I could a few times.
Hopefully by the time my next run comes around, the shins will hold up a little better. It has just been one of those days I guess. Motivation lacking. Yeah, sounds about right.
On a side note, my diet has stunk this week until tonight. I have opted for fast food for lunch and endless snacking it seems most days this week, leading to tummy troubles obviously. Tonight I opted for a salad post-lazy run. Now if I can just keep myself out of the kitchen for the rest of the night.
Okay, let me end this on a positive note, tomorrow is my birthday! Turning the big 2-5. I will officially be in my mid-twenties. I know, still young, but not really sure how I feel about that. I thought 10 years ago that I would for sure have children by now if I were married (which I will be for 5 years in August). I'm just getting started on this weight loss journey and making more progress than I have ever made before. Am I ready to venture toward motherhood in the next year or so?? There are so many things I have planned out, but not planned at the same time. I think it is time to embark on 25 as a fresh start. To decide where I want to do and make laid out plans for those goals, physical and otherwise. Maybe I need to do the whole 25 in 25 list. What are some things on your life-goals list??
For now, I'm just looking forward to spending my 25th birthday with 18 sweet Pre-K babies, followed by celebration dinner with my love and my family! Can't wait!
Happy Early Birthday to Me!